I am Someone

All my life I have defined and labeled myself first and foremost as an extension of someone else…






I have never thought of me principally as “Individual”.

And while all of those titles are of varying importance and comprehensively part of me, they are no longer my defining factor. I am me.  And that alone is enough.

Granted, I can not (nor do I want to!) separate those parts of me. This is the first time that I am acknowledging that being an individual is just as important as being a Mom and I don’t have to sacrifice one for the other. I can do both. Growth is painful and difficult but I don’t run from either of those. I meet challenges head on. Not without fear or anxiety or pain, just in spite of.

Most people live in self preservation mode. They see pain and they want to avoid it. Avoiding pain is avoiding the lessons that can be found within. So I will welcome the pain and in return I am rewarded with both the experience and the lessons.


So…I will continue to embrace vulnerability and wear my heart on my sleeve. I will dive head first into life and all of the experiences that are open to me. I will live with an open mind and an open heart and accept gratefully all that this life has to offer and teach me.

I will LIVE.

I will BE.

Authentically, unapologetically,vulnerably, joyfully, painfully, hopefully… me.








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